Shipping & Returns


We can ship to virtually any address in Australia and Worldwide. When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. Estimated shipping times are based on the shipping option you choose.

Our warehouse is located in QLD and we offer the following shipping options:

Australian Addresses:
Australia Post Regular -3 - 5 working days $9.00 (0 - 500g)

International Addresses:
Australia Post Regular - 7 - 14 working days $19.00 (0 - 500g)

Shipping times are calculated from when customers received email confirmation that their order has been shipped. If there is a problem on our end with fulfilling your order we will notify you immediately. If you have questions or problems related to making orders or shipping please contact us.


Returns Policy:

Our Returns Policy includes the rights you have under the Australian Consumer Law. If in the event your purchase is faulty, damaged, wrongly described, we will gladly refund your money or exchange the product upon presentation of your proof of purchase.


Products should be returned in the original box and packed to avoid breakage in transit back to Look Academy. Any price refunds will be effected within 30 days after Look Academy was notified of the reason, conditional upon any returned product being collected in original saleable condition.